Govt follows up on data loss

September 16, 2024

The Central & Western District Office (C&WDO) has received a report from a facility management services contractor that it has lost data on community hall users.


Synergis Facility Management has a contract with the C&WDO to assist in managing the Sai Ying Pun Community Complex Community Hall and handle booking applications for use of the hall and its facilities. The contract runs from September 2022 to August 2025.


The contractor has reported to the C&WDO that a staff member responsible for handling booking applications lost a USB device while working on Saturday.


The device contains information on 306 applications, including the name of the organisations involved, the dates and times of events, and the names and contact numbers of relevant contact persons. The data does not include any identity card numbers or other personal identifiers.


On receiving the report, the C&WDO promptly accompanied the contractor to report the incident to Police and reported the matter to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.


The C&WDO said it strongly condemns the contractor for the loss. It has demanded that the contractor submit a detailed report and take all necessary measures to prevent further leakage of data.


The C&WDO also immediately suspended the contractor from handling booking applications for use of the hall and its facilities. The Property Management Services Authority was instructed to take appropriate follow-up action over the contractor’s failure to handle personal data properly as a licensed property management company.


The Home Affairs Department will not allow the contractor to bid for any other departmental projects until it has taken satisfactory measures.


Call 2852 3735 for enquiries.

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