CE commends Paralympic athletes

September 16, 2024
Commendable performance
Commendable performance:

Chief Executive John Lee (fourth left) praises the athletes for showcasing their indomitable sportsmanship at the Games.

A welcome home reception was held at Ma On Shan Sports Centre in Sha Tin today to greet the Hong Kong, China Delegation returning from the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.


A total of 23 Hong Kong athletes took part in eight competition events including archery, athletics, badminton, boccia, equestrian, swimming, table tennis and wheelchair fencing. With exceptional skills and perseverance, the Hong Kong team won three gold medals, four silver and one bronze in swimming, boccia and badminton.


Chief Executive John Lee officiated at the reception and presented certificates of commendation to the Hong Kong athletes in recognition of their excellent performance. He also extended his appreciation to the coaches, medical team, staff, as well as the relevant sports committees and sports associations.


Mr Lee said the athletes overcame their physical limitations to compete in the Games, showcasing their indomitable sportsmanship and serving as examples of telling good Hong Kong stories on the international stage.


He added that the athletes’ outstanding performance reflects the effectiveness of the Government’s efforts in promoting disability sports.


In this financial year, the Government has allocated over $130 million for promoting the development of sports for persons with disabilities, an increase of over 40% compared to five years ago.


Furthermore, in collaboration with the China Hong Kong Paralympic Committee, the Government has launched a five-year pilot programme on career and education. By assisting the athletes to acquire knowledge and skill sets for their post-athletic transformation, the programme will help them start their second careers, allowing them to focus on their training and competitions without worries.


After the reception, the Chief Executive hosted a luncheon at Government House to commend the delegation.

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