War of Resistance museum unveiled

September 3, 2024
Patriotic education
Patriotic education:

Cartoon images of Miscellaneous Memories of One Hundred Days in Dongjiang, created by cartoonist Ding Cong, are showcased in the museum’s thematic exhibition.

The Museum of Coastal Defence was officially converted into the Museum of the War of Resistance & Coastal Defence (MWRCD) today, with the thematic exhibition Brothers in Arms: War of Resistance Activities of the East River Column in Shenzhen & Hong Kong launched at the museum.


At the unveiling ceremony of the MWRCD, Chief Executive John Lee pointed out that today, September 3, which is the Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was specifically chosen for the ceremony to underscore its importance.


He also stated that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has been holding deep respect for the united front presented by the people of the motherland in their resistance against aggression, and commemorates martyrs and compatriots who sacrificed their lives in defence of the nation.


The Chief Executive stressed that the Hong Kong SAR Government will spare no effort to promote patriotic education, and strengthen people's national pride and sense of responsibility and ownership.


As one of the important cultivation bases for promoting patriotism, the MWRCD will enhance the understanding of the public, in particular young people, about the arduous years during wartime and the contribution of martyrs through permanent and thematic exhibitions on the war of resistance.


The first thematic exhibition of the MWRCD will focus on the War of Resistance Activities of the East River Column in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Members of the public can visit the exhibition with free admission from tomorrow until July 2 next year.


The new exhibition includes a cloth bag, a felt blanket and a revolver used by members of the Hong Kong & Kowloon Independent Brigade of the East River Column during wartime. Additionally, it showcases newspapers published by the East River Column (replica), and the first issue of the Tati Pictorial published in Hong Kong in November 1938.


There will also be cartoon images of Miscellaneous Memories of One Hundred Days in Dongjiang created by cartoonist Ding Cong, and a commemorative medal of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, as well as oral history records from veterans.


Meanwhile, the museum launched a year-long Artefact Collection Campaign for the War of Resistance today to encourage the public to donate objects and historical photos related to this particular war and the Hong Kong & Kowloon Independent Brigade of the East River Column for the museum’s preparation of future thematic exhibitions and for research purposes.


Furthermore, the MWRCD will launch an array of public programmes to enhance interest and understanding of the history of the war of resistance among the public, especially the young generation, through exhibitions, workshops and book display sessions.


Click here for more details or call 2569 1500 for enquiries.

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