Cancer drugs added to subsidy list

July 26, 2024

The Hospital Authority announced today that two drugs for treating cancer, approved for registration in Hong Kong via a new mechanism for registering new drugs (the “1+” mechanism), have been listed under the Special Drug category on the Hospital Authority Drug Formulary (HADF).


The new drugs are oral targeted therapies for treating metastatic colorectal cancer and are suitable for patients for whom conventional chemotherapy has been ineffective or deemed unsuitable.


Patients prescribed these drugs under clinical supervision are only required to pay the standard fees and charges, meaning that their financial burden will be greatly alleviated. It is estimated that around 300 patients will benefit every year, with total subsidies reaching around $12 million.


Hospital Authority Chief Pharmacist William Chui said: “With the ‘1+’ mechanism now in effect, the number of drugs successfully registered in Hong Kong would increase, thus enabling clinicians and patients to have more choices for drug treatment.


“The Hospital Authority is conducting a comprehensive review of the procedure of new drugs listing on the HADF with the aim of expediting the process. While bringing new hope for the treatment of life-threatening or severely debilitating diseases, we hope that the financial burden on patients could also be greatly alleviated.”


The authority added that it is proceeding with the listing of a third new registered drug, designed to treat paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, on the HADF. It expects to complete the relevant procedures within the coming few months.

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