EV maintenance services approved

July 22, 2024
Updated services
Updated services:

Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services Poon Kwok-ying (centre) officiates at a ceremony marking the introduction of electric vehicle maintenance services to two registration schemes.

The Electrical & Mechanical Services Department announced today the introduction of electric vehicle (EV) maintenance services to the Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Mechanics and the Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops.


In view of increasing demand for EV maintenance services, a study on the adding such services to the existing registration schemes was carried out by the Government and the Vehicle Maintenance Technical Advisory Committee.


After looking at practices in other places and assessing the local situation, the committee established criteria for EV maintenance training programmes, registration requirements for vehicle mechanics, specifications for workshops on EV maintenance services, and more.


It also compiled practice guidelines. These outline specifications for facilities needed to carry out EV maintenance services with respect to personal protective equipment, first-aid equipment, fire protection facilities, testing and maintenance tools, and more.


Under the two registration schemes, EV maintenance services will be categorised into three levels, namely elementary, low voltage and high voltage. Registered vehicle mechanics will be qualified to carry out EV maintenance services after completing the relevant training programmes.


The council endorses eight EV maintenance training programmes offered by the Vocational Training Council, the Occupational Safety & Health Council, the Kowloon Motor Bus Academy and the Guangzhou Communications Technician Institute. As of mid-July, more than 350 mechanics have completed these programmes.


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