Winnie Ho visits Zhuhai building firm

July 21, 2024
Staff welfare
Staff welfare:

Secretary for Housing Winnie Ms Ho (front row, fifth left) and LegCo members tour the Fushan Industrial City and its staff quarters.

Secretary for Housing Winnie Ho, leading a delegation of the Housing Department and the Legislative Council Panel on Housing, began a two-day visit to Zhuhai and Shenzhen today.
After arriving in Zhuhai, the delegation toured Guangdong Hailong Construction Technology Company’s production lines to view the production process and quality control of concrete Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) modules, as well as the application of construction robots.


During a meeting, apart from introducing their latest research and development (R&D) outcomes, the staff members briefed the delegates on the company’s participation in the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA)’s public housing projects.
Noting that the Housing Bureau and the HKHA have been embracing innovative construction technologies, Ms Ho said that construction robots have been or will be used in over 40 HKHA sites. For total public housing production scheduled for completion in the period 2028-29 to 2032-33, at least 50% of the projects will adopt the MiC approach.
The R&D and application of new quality productive forces should be strongly supported to facilitate the enhancement in speed, efficiency, quantity and quality of housing production, she stressed.


Afterwards, the group toured the Fushan Industrial City and inspected its staff dormitories.

The delegation will depart for Shenzhen tomorrow to visit local public rental housing projects and community facilities, learn about smart property management and meet local officials.

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