Light housing operation pact made

July 19, 2024

The Housing Bureau today awarded the operation and management contract for the first Light Public Housing (LPH) project to the Pioneer Management Limited - Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Joint Venture at a tender sum of about $202 million.


The LPH project, located on Yau Pok Road in Yuen Long, will provide about 2,100 units, with tenants expected to move in during the first quarter of next year,


Under the Housing Bureau’s guidance, the operating organisation will need to carry out pre-management works in the coming months, so as to ensure the smooth handling of LPH applications and tenanting matters, and to provide various services and ancillary facilities for residents and the local community immediately upon tenancies beginning.


Secretary for Housing Winnie Ho said: “LPH is led by the Government, and I aspire to work closely with various operating organisations in the coming years to ensure effective operation and management, hence allowing the residents and nearby community to be benefited from the project’s ancillary facilities and community services.


“I would also like to appeal to other organisations that are interested in operating other LPH projects to actively participate in the tenders of other projects, thereby working together with the Government to improve the living environment of the grassroots.”


The requirements for LPH operation and management services include not only occupancy management, property management and daily maintenance, but also a range of social services, and the management and operation of ancillary facilities, the bureau explained.


To ensure service quality, the bureau carried out a technical assessment. The tender price was then comprehensively evaluated to decide on the most suitable operating organisation.


Separately, Ms Ho said the LPH Phase 1 Application had attracted 10,200 entries as at July 15.


Eligible citizens may still apply for the LPH projects, the bureau added.

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