Central Committee session hailed

July 18, 2024

Chief Executive John Lee today extended his warmest congratulations on the victorious conclusion of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.


The session in Beijing adopted the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization.


A communique stated that the session gave a highly positive assessment of the successful implementation of and major achievements in the comprehensive deepening of reforms during the new era. The session studied the issues of comprehensive deepening of reforms and advancing Chinese modernisation, holding that the current and upcoming period is crucial in building a great country in all respects and achieving national rejuvenation through the Chinese path to modernisation. It also noted that Chinese modernisation has been advanced continuously through reform and opening up, and that the country will surely embrace broader horizons through further reform and opening up.


Moreover, the session highlighted that the overall objectives of further comprehensive deepening of reforms are to continue improving and developing the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernising the country’s system and capacity for governance.


Mr Lee noted that this session held great significance as it was convened at a crucial period in the building of a great country in all respects and achieving national rejuvenation through the Chinese path to modernisation.


He said: “History has proven that Hong Kong has been playing an active role in the country’s reform and opening up. As a super connector and super value-adder connecting the Mainland with the world, Hong Kong gives full play to its role of going global and attracting foreign investment for the country.”


Noting that momentous changes are accelerating across the world, the Chief Executive said China has entered a crucial period of development in which strategic opportunities, risks, and challenges are concurrent.


Mr Lee said: “Hong Kong should firmly grasp the enormous opportunities brought by the country’s further and comprehensive deepening of reforms in advancing Chinese modernisation. Hong Kong should continue to leverage its unique advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world and its important role in deepening reforms of the country, better integrating into the national development thereby.”


He stressed that all sectors of the community should earnestly learn about and implement the spirit of the session, give full play to the power and value of the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong”, fulfil Hong Kong’s responsibilities, seize its opportunities, and make contributions on the country’s journey of further comprehensive deepening of reforms to advance Chinese modernisation.

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