Views sought on AI copyright issues

July 8, 2024

The Government today launched a two-month public consultation on enhancing the Copyright Ordinance (CO) with regard to artificial intelligence (AI) technology development.


The consultation document explores issues relating to copyright protection of AI-generated works, copyright infringement liability for AI-generated works, the possible introduction of specific copyright exceptions, and other issues relating to generative AI, and sets out the Government’s views on these matters.


The Commerce & Economic Development Bureau said that ongoing enhancements to the local copyright regime are instrumental to developing Hong Kong into a regional intellectual property trading centre, as set out in the National 14th Five-Year Plan.


While works generated by generative AI are already protected by copyright under the existing CO, the bureau said it wants to enhance Hong Kong’s copyright regime to ensure that it supports innovation, creativity and investment.


The bureau added that it has reviewed the relevant legislation in Hong Kong and other jurisdictions, as well as the prevailing market situation.


Members of the public may submit their views by email, by fax to 2147 3065 or by post to Division 3, Commerce & Economic Development Bureau, 23/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong, on or before September 8.


The Government will also hold a public forum August 2 to further garner views from the public. Interested parties can register through a dedicated website. For enquiries, please email the Intellectual Property Department.

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