Works depts receive awards from UK

June 27, 2024

The Civil Engineering & Development Department (CEDD), the Drainage Services Department (DSD) and the Highways Department (HyD) have received Martin Barnes Awards from the UK's New Engineering Contract (NEC) Users' Group.


The group held an awards presentation ceremony today to commend Hong Kong awardees for their excellence in project delivery through collaborative partnering by adopting the NEC form.


The CEDD and the DSD received the Winner Award under the Demonstrating Carbon Dioxide Reduction Initiatives towards Net-zero category and the Recognising Project Excellence & Innovation category respectively.


The CEDD and the HyD also received a Runner-up Award or Highly Commended Award under various award categories.


Speaking at the awards presentation ceremony, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) Ricky Lau congratulated the works departments on their outstanding achievements, saying that the Government's wide adoption of the NEC form in public works projects over the years has enhanced the performance of project implementation.


The Development Bureau piloted the use of the NEC form in public works projects in 2009 and has expanded its application since then.


As of today, more than 570 public works contracts with a total value of over $380 billion have adopted the NEC form which embraces collaborative partnering between clients and contractors, thereby enhancing project performance.


The Martin Barnes Awards are presented annually by the NEC Users' Group under the UK's Institution of Civil Engineers to give recognition to projects, organisations and individuals around the world that have showcased excellence in project delivery through collaborative partnering.


This year, over 50 entries from across the world participated in the event.


Click here for the full list of the awardees.

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