World music lectures set for August

June 25, 2024

The Leisure & Cultural Services Department will organise the second volume of “A Cultural Journey through World Music” lecture demonstration from August to September.


It features music of Mongolian morin khuur, Argentinian tango, Scottish bagpipe and Arabic music.


The four lectures will be hosted and curated by Eugene Leung, a local Central Asian musical instrument dutar performer with a fine grasp of ethnomusicology.


Additionally, the programme has invited various local musicians as speakers.


Through an introduction of histories and cultures, demonstrations of musical instruments and personal-experience sharing, participants will be guided to appreciate the musical characteristics from different regions and across cultural boundaries.


Lectures of Mongolian morin khuur, Argentinian tango, Scottish bagpipe and Arabic music will be held on August 7, August 21, August 28 and September 4 respectively.


The lectures will be conducted in Cantonese, and will be held at 7.30pm at the Space Museum. Tickets are now available at URBTIX. Call 3166 1288 for telephone bookings.


Click here for more details.

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