Govt responds to closure of school

June 7, 2024

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today strongly condemned wanted former board members of the Christian Zheng Sheng Association, Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan as well as the association for maliciously creating the so-called suspension of the Christian Zheng Sheng College.
In response to media enquiries about the college’s suspension, the Hong Kong SAR Government said it is aware that the association has informed teachers of the college that it will suspend its operation from July 7 this year. As at now, relevant departments have not yet been formally notified by the college.
Wanted former board members, including Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan, as well as the association which is closely related to these people, would need to bear full responsibility in case the college ceases its operation, the Hong Kong SAR Government stressed.
Apart from strongly condemning Lam Hay-sing, Alman Chan and the association for maliciously creating this so-called suspension, the Hong Kong SAR Government indicated that they irresponsibly made up excuses, distorted the facts, and blamed others for their unwillingness to resolve the problem of operating fund.


It made it clear that such acts are deplorable and pointed out that until now, the association has not yet addressed its own issues and fulfil its responsibility of payment of salaries to its staff.
In fact, the Beat Drugs Fund exceptionally allocated on an emergency relief with over $1.8 million on a one-off basis to meet the college’s imminent needs.
Unfortunately, they remained unmoved since then, and have been using different excuses to prevent the funds in the bank account from being transferred to the college for maintaining its daily operation.
Both the association and the college are private institutions, and some students of the college have just graduated. Settling the bills arising from the malicious acts of certain individuals by the Beat Drugs Fund in the long term would not be in the best interest of the society but would encourage the irresponsible behaviour of the wanted people.
The Narcotics Division (ND), together with the Education Bureau and the Social Welfare Department, have already contacted all parents and guardians of the college’s students in the past months to understand their needs and have been maintaining contact with them.
Suitable plans for the students have been drawn up, and the ND will continue to co-ordinate relevant departments in providing the most appropriate assistance and arrangement for the students.
The Hong Kong SAR Government reiterates that treatment and rehabilitation services would not be affected by the suspension of the college’s operation.
It once again strongly condemns the disreputable and selfish acts of Lam Hay-sing, Alman Chan and the association for disregarding the welfare of the college’s teachers and students.


Additionally, it urged them to make amends and resolve the relevant issues as soon as possible.

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