Consular Protection Month begins

June 7, 2024

Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung today attended the launch ceremony of Consular Protection Month, which aims to enhance public awareness of the consular protection provided by the country and outbound travel safety. 


Co-hosted by the Immigration Department (ImmD) and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (OCMFA), Consular Protection Month includes a series of publicity activities.


They include roving exhibitions on consular protection, an online virtual exhibition, a new edition of an animated video, participation in the travel expo, as well as seminars on consular protection.


Officiating at the ceremony, Mr Tang pointed out that consular protection has always been the strongest safeguard for Hong Kong people travelling abroad.


With the full support of the OCMFA and the Chinese Diplomatic & Consular Missions, the ImmD's Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit strives to provide practicable assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress outside Hong Kong, he said.


The security chief also thanked the OCMFA and the Chinese Diplomatic & Consular Missions for sparing no effort in providing Hong Kong people with various support services, which fully demonstrates the country's care and concern for Hong Kong people.


OCMFA Deputy Commissioner Pan Yundong also officiated at the ceremony.


He noted that over the past 27 years or so since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the central government has always upheld the notion of "the safety of Hong Kong people is no small matter; the interests of compatriots are extremely important" and has proactively protected the legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong people overseas, benefitting them with the country's diplomatic achievements.


Mr Pan also stated that the OCMFA will work closely with the ImmD during the month in organising a series of activities for Hong Kong people to better understand consular protection policies and work involving Hong Kong, and to enhance their awareness and capabilities regarding safety precautions.

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