Extra welfare payments set
Eligible recipients of social security payments and the Working Family Allowance (WFA) will receive a one-off extra allowance starting today, the Government announced.
As set out in the 2024-25 Budget, the amount of the extra allowance will be equal to one half of the monthly standard rate of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, the Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to households in receipt of the WFA.
Recipients who were eligible for social security payments on May 8, when the Legislative Council approved the Appropriation Bill 2024, and those whose WFA applications were made from November 1, 2023 to May 8 and approved are eligible for the one-off extra allowance.
It is estimated that about 1.66 million social security recipients and about 64,000 WFA households will benefit from the arrangements, involving a total of about $3 billion in extra allowances.
The payment will be credited to the designated Hong Kong bank accounts of the eligible recipients or households and no separate application is required.
Recipients of social security payments may call 2343 2255 for enquiries.
For WFA enquiries, call 2558 3000.