Ban on feeding animals widened

May 31, 2024

The Government announced amendments to the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance to expand the feeding ban applicable to wild animals to cover feral pigeons as well and introduced a heavier penalty to deter people from violating the law.


The legal amendments were published in the Government Gazette today and will take effect from August 1.


The maximum penalty for contravening the feeding ban will be increased from a fine of $10,000 to a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year. Apart from introducing a fixed penalty of $5,000, the scope of the Government's enforcement officers will be broadened.


The Government explained that feeding wild animals and feral pigeons will not only foul public places and attract these animals to gather, causing nuisance and a public hygiene problem, but will also affect the habits of these animals, jeopardising their ability to survive in the wild.


In 2021 and 2022, the annual average number of complaints related to feral pigeons received by the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department (AFCD), Food & Environmental Hygiene Department and Leisure & Cultural Services Department was about 1,700 cases in total.


The Government said that it will strengthen publicity and education to foster public understanding that wild animals and feral pigeons have the natural instincts to forage in the wild and natural environment without having to rely on human feeding.


It added that the AFCD will work closely with the departments assisting in enforcement to ensure effective enforcement.

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