Talent schemes attract 90k in 2023

January 24, 2024

Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun said talent totalling around 90,000 skilled people arrived in Hong Kong in 2023 via various talent admission schemes, far exceeding the Government's annual target of admitting at least 35,000 talent.


Of those who arrived, 36,000 were approved applicants of the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS).


In response to questions from legislator Adrian Ho in the Legislative Council today, the labour chief highlighted that the TTPS has received enthusiastic responses since its launch at the end of 2022. 


By the end of December 2023, the Government received around 65,000 applications under the TTPS, of which around 3,000 were refused, accounting for 5% of the total number of applications. 


Mr Sun revealed that more than 70% of the approved TTPS applicants are aged 40 or below, and almost 80% of the approved applicants have an annual income of $2.5 million or more in the year immediately preceding the date of application, or are graduates from top universities with at least three years of work experience.


Since March 2023, the TTPS applicants with work experience are required to declare in their applications the sectors of their occupations.


As at late December 2023, more than 20% of the approved applicants came from the financial services sector. Those from the commerce and trade sector and the innovation and technology sector each accounted for about 15%, while over 10% of the approved applicants came from the information and communication technology sector. 


Mr Sun emphasised that these quality talent are young, with high income or good academic qualifications, and possess extensive work experience and global vision.


Their arrival in Hong Kong could help fill the manpower gaps in the local market and promote the development of major sectors, he added.


Regarding the applications refused by the Government, Mr Sun explained that the main reasons for refusal were that the applicants did not meet the eligibility criteria of the TTPS, including the eligible annual income threshold, or not being a graduate from institutions in the aggregate list of eligible universities.


He also pointed out that although it is not a requirement for approved applicants to have secured offers of local employment, they, upon applying for an extension of stay before the expiry of their visas granted, need to be employed, or have established or joined in business in Hong Kong.

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