Mental health hotline launched
The Government today launched the "18111 - Mental Health Support Hotline" to provide one-stop, round-the-clock support for people with mental health needs, rendering them immediate mental health support and referral services.
Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau told reporters that the hotline is fully government-funded for the first time, to co-ordinate existing counselling services provided by the Government and non-governmental organisations.
The hotline will be operated all year round with dedicated personnel answering the phone 24 hours a day, providing immediate support and counselling services to members of the public from all backgrounds and all ages.
Prof Lo said: “We understand that mental health is not a simple medical issue. It is a problem which requires cross-bureau, cross-discipline support to improve the mental health of our people.
"This is a 24-hour real-time person-to-person response to any call. So we have staff - at least six staff - online at any time. And if there is any increase in demand, any surge in demand at any particular time, there will be an on-call service for that. So, we want to ensure that we can cope with the service demand in case there is a need.”
He pointed out that the hotline number 18111 is easy-to-recall as the hotline attends to mental health needs from all “18” districts in Hong Kong and “one” who needs help will get "one"-stop support just by calling "one" dedicated hotline.
The health chief encouraged people with mental health needs to call the hotline for help, adding that citizens who find their family members or friends have mental health needs should also encourage them to call the hotline.
The carers can also make use of the hotline to seek timely support.
Meanwhile, a service centre in Jordan will provide emotional support and counselling services for ethnic minorities on a trial basis from tomorrow.