Mentorship scheme opens enrolment

October 27, 2023

The enhanced Strive & Rise Programme, which provides focused support to more secondary students from underprivileged families, began recruitment for its second cohort today.


As announced in the Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address, the programme’s second round will involve 4,000 mentees, up from 2,800, and will be extended to cover Secondary Four students from grassroots families.


Other new elements involve more Mainland study and exchange tours to enrich the variety of group activities, and the introduction of mentorship groups.


Additionally, an Alumni Club will be established to provide mentees who have completed the programme with a range of social activities and internship opportunities.


Formulated and implemented by an interdepartmental task force led by the Chief Secretary, the second round of the programme comprises three key elements, namely mentorship, personal development plans and financial support.


Each mentee will be paired with a volunteer mentor who will share his or her life experience and inspire the mentee to explore more possibilities for personal development.


Mentors will also assist their mentees in building self-confidence, and encourage them to set personal goals in a proactive and positive manner.


In addition, mentors will help mentees to develop awareness of positive financial planning, and guide them to make good use of $5,000 in start-up financial support offered by the programme to take their plans forward.


Upon successful completion of the programme, mentees will be awarded a $5,000 scholarship and granted Alumni Club membership for two years.


Applications will close on November 16.


Interested students may approach their schools or any of the non-governmental organisations that assist the Government in implementing the programme.

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