Govt set to revitalise tourism

October 25, 2023

The Government will publish a new version of a blueprint next year with the aim of making enhancements in various aspects to complement tourism development, Chief Executive John Lee said today.


Delivering his second Policy Address at the Legislative Council, Mr Lee explained that the Government will consult the trade in formulating the Development Blueprint for Hong Kong’s Tourism Industry 2.0.


Other measures to revitalise tourism involve developing signature tourism products, enhancing cruise tourism development, promoting smart tourism and establishing the Sha Tau Kok Cultural Tourism Zone.


Revitalising tourism

Additionally, the Government will provide more in-depth itinerary design and training to the trade via the Characteristic Local Tourism Incentive Scheme as a way to encourage the trade to develop more thematic tours to showcase the city’s diversified cultural landscape.


An action plan on the development of cruise tourism economy will be announced in the first half of 2024, while an inter-departmental working group will be set up under the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau to formulate and implement initiatives to promote smart tourism.


Starting early next year, the Government will gradually open up the Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area, excluding Chung Ying Street.


In the initial stage, visitors can apply online for Closed Area Permits to enter the area for sightseeing, which will promote cultural and ecotourism of Sha Tau Kok and nearby outlying islands. 


Furthermore, the Government plans to explore with the Shenzhen Municipal Government the feasibility of developing a cultural tourism zone in Sha Tau Kok on the Hong Kong side and Shatoujiao on the Shenzhen side, Mr Lee added.


Developing sports

On promoting elite sports and professionalism, the Chief Executive said the new building of the Hong Kong Sports Institute, to be completed in mid‑2024, will provide more advanced training facilities for elite athletes. Additional resources will be allocated to enhance its Sports Medicine Centre. 


He made it clear that it will collaborate with the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) in mid-2024 to offer more professional training and internship opportunities to coaches.


Mr Lee said he believes the measure will enhance the coaches’ professional standards and quality of training for Hong Kong’s athletes.


He also noted that the Kai Tak Sports Park, scheduled to be completed by the end of next year for opening in 2025, will boost Hong Kong’s soft power as a sports hub and foster the development of the related industries.


On promoting sports for everyone, the Government will collaborate with the SF&OC to organise Festival of Sport events on the Sport For All Day event so that more citizens may participate.


From next year onwards, the Leisure & Cultural Services Department will set up self-test fitness corners at its sports centres and introduce smart fitness equipment to its outdoor recreation venues.


This, Mr Lee emphasised, will allow users to store or retrieve data of their physical activities and access information on sports and health via mobile applications.


Shining City Project

As part of its goal to enhance Hong Kong’s beautification work, the Government will launch the Shining City Project with a focus on developing the Shing Mun River and Yuen Long Nullah into flower viewing hotspots, and implementing landscaping improvement works at the central dividers and roundabouts of major roads during major festivals.


The Deputy Chief Secretary will be in charge of co-ordinating such efforts, which also involves injecting art and design elements in suitable pitches or courts, as well as the external walls of sports venues and washrooms.


Sustainability drive

Driven to enhance energy conservation and decarbonisation of buildings, the Government intends to start a legislative exercise next year to amend the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance.


It will also introduce a bill to extend the recovery and recycling schemes to more products.


Meanwhile, the relevant strategic feasibility study on the establishment of the Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park is expected to be completed in the first half of next year, the Chief Executive pointed out.


He described the park project as one that will enhance the ecological quality and biodiversity of the Northern Metropolis, providing quality outdoor eco education and recreation facilities for public enjoyment.


Moreover, in collaboration with the trade, the Environment & Ecology Bureau will publish the Blueprint for the Sustainable Development of Agriculture & Fisheries by the end of this year.


Helping small and medium-sized businesses

Concerning the Government’s efforts to help small and medium-sized enterprises, Mr Lee revealed that the licensing regime of food businesses will be streamlined from the first quarter next year.


The measures include expanding the scope of the Professional Certification System, which adopts a “licence first, inspection later” approach, to cover general restaurants.

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