Mask-wearing rules adjusted
The Government today announced that after taking into consideration the operational needs of certain premises, mask-wearing requirements in them will be fine-tuned with effect from January 26.
Mask-wearing will be exempted in religious premises where a host or speaker delivers a speech to participants in a religious activity.
Exemptions will also apply to the consumption of food or drink at a table or an exhibition booth during an exhibition in a place of public entertainment or event premises, and toasting on stage at an event in catering premises or any scheduled premises.
The specifications and directions under the law will be gazetted. Click here for the overall mask-wearing requirements applicable to the catering business premises and scheduled premises.
Noting that Hong Kong is in the midst of the winter surge of influenza and that COVID-19 still poses a threat to the community, the Government appealed to the public to remain vigilant and observe personal hygiene while celebrating the Lunar New Year.