Govt opposes slandering remarks

November 16, 2022

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today vehemently refutes the “report” issued by the United States-China Economic & Security Review Commission (USCC) which again made slandering remarks and ill-intentioned political attacks against the Hong Kong SAR.


In a statement issued today, the Hong Kong SAR Government said Hong Kong SAR is an inalienable part of China. The Government urges again the US to respect the basic norms governing international relations and stop maliciously interfering in the affairs of the Hong Kong SAR.


The Hong Kong SAR Government must seriously point out the untruthful allegations against the improved electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR in the “report”. The improved electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR puts in place legal safeguards to ensure full implementation of “patriots administering Hong Kong”. Regardless of one's background, whoever meets the requirements and criteria of patriots, can participate in elections in accordance with the law and serve the Hong Kong public by entering into the governance structure of Hong Kong SAR.


The USCC's “report” has time and again made up excuses which deviate from the facts to maliciously slander the National Security Law, laying bare its despicable political motives.


The Hong Kong SAR Government must again emphasise that law-abiding people, including Hong Kong residents as well as overseas tourists and investors, will not unwittingly violate the law.


All law enforcement actions taken by the law enforcement agencies are based on evidence, strictly according to the law and for the acts of the people and entities concerned, and have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation. Suggestions that people or organisations with certain backgrounds should be immune to legal sanctions for their illegal acts and activities and be granted privileges to break the law are totally contrary to the rule of law.


The Hong Kong SAR Government strongly opposes the false ideas in the “report” concerning the curricula of Chinese History and Citizenship & Social Development (CS) in secondary education as well as the language education policy in Hong Kong, noting that they are biased, unsubstantiated and twisting the facts.


Through studying important topics related to the development of Hong Kong, our country and the world, CS aims to broaden students' horizons, develop their critical thinking skills, and cultivate their positive values and attitudes and sense of national identity.


As with other subjects, the textbooks of CS are included in the textbook review mechanism. The related textbooks state that Hong Kong was never a “colony” and an indisputable fact that Hong Kong has been part of China's territory since ancient times.


The Education Bureau published an article titled “Understanding the controversy over whether Hong Kong was a 'colony' from historical and legal perspectives” and stated clearly that the three treaties related to Hong Kong were unequal and unlawful in nature.


As Chinese citizens, it is necessary for teachers and students living in this city to understand Chinese history and the fact that China has all along held the sovereignty of Hong Kong. The “report” has distorted the truth by equating the curriculum refinement based on objective facts with falsification of history, exposing the malicious intent and corrupting political motives of the USCC.


The Hong Kong SAR Government expressed strong opposition to the report which slandered the city's anti-epidemic policies.


The World Health Organization announced last month that COVID-19 remained a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, bringing severe and adverse health impacts on the global population.


Around the globe, China is among the countries with lowest COVID-19 prevalence rate and death rate while the US has the highest total number of confirmed cases and total death toll. The Hong Kong SAR Government also noticed that the vaccination rate in the US is much lower than that in Hong Kong. There is no place for the US to comment on the anti-epidemic policies of China, including Hong Kong SAR.


The Hong Kong SAR Government's anti-epidemic policies are clear. The Hong Kong SAR Government reiterates that it will adopt a prudent and stable approach in relaxing various anti-epidemic measures, so as to avoid a rebound of the epidemic situation and backtracking along the path to normalcy as far as practicable.

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