Health chief meets specialists

September 8, 2022
Gauging views
Gauging views:

Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau (rear, third right) meet members of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine to exchange views on Hong Kong’s healthcare system.

Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau together with Permanent Secretary for Health Thomas Chan and Under Secretary for Health Dr Libby Lee met council members of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine today to exchange views on various topics in relation to Hong Kong's healthcare system.


At the meeting, Professor Lo briefed academy council members on the latest progress of the legislative exercise to amend the Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance. Council members’ views on the proposals were gauged.


The follow-up work in relation to the Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 2021 passed in October last year was also discussed. The academy expressed that it was more than willing to complement the follow-up work.


With the Government's extensive efforts in developing and establishing the primary healthcare system in recent years, Prof Lo also suggested the academy add primary healthcare elements to their training programmes or activities.


In order to promote the development of quality healthcare services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the academy joined hands with the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission to establish the SZ-HK Medical Specialist Training Centre in Shenzhen in 2019. It aims to leverage Hong Kong's strengths in training internationalised medical talent.


At the meeting, Prof Lo indicated that the Government will support the academy’s work in continuing their provision of training on this aspect.

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