School curriculum guide released
The Education Bureau today announced the release of the Primary Education Curriculum Guide (PECG) (Pilot Version) (2022) prepared by the Curriculum Development Council (CDC) and published for use by schools.
It is expected that all primary schools will continue to build on their progress and strengths accomplished over the years and focus on the major renewed emphases to sustain the momentum of "Learning to Learn 2+".
The theme “Cultivate values for leaders of tomorrow, create space to foster whole-person development” is adopted to delineate the major directions and the updated learning goals, and introduce the major renewed emphases.
Recommended strategies, examples and resources prepared by the bureau are provided in respective chapters to help schools further enhance the whole-school curriculum planning, continue to provide students with diversified, appropriate and meaningful learning experiences within and beyond the classroom, and foster their whole-person development, taking into consideration the school contexts and students' needs.
The bureau noted that as the Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide (KGECG) and the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (SECG) were updated in 2017, there was a need to update the Basic Education Curriculum Guide - To Sustain, Deepen & Focus on Learning to Learn (Primary 1-6) (2014) accordingly to enhance student learning.
The PECG (Pilot Version) aligns with the KGECG and the SECG, as well as follows the direction of "Sustain, deepen, focus on learning to learn" and the directional recommendations of the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum, the bureau added.
The key updates of the PECG (Pilot Version) are seven learning goals of primary education, three major directions and seven major renewed emphases of the ongoing renewal of the primary curriculum as well as the good use of learning time and suggested time allocation.
The PECG was launched on a pilot basis in the 2022-23 school year to collect school-based practices and reflections for further refinement of the curriculum guide.
Click here for the PECG (Pilot Version).