AI conference held

September 1, 2022
Technological advancement
Technological advancement:

Officials learn about the research outcomes of local laboratories.

The Innovation & Technology Commission today held the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2022 - Hong Kong Branch where participants discussed artificial intelligence (AI) and smart city development.


The event, carrying the themes Intelligent Connectivity and Infinite Multiverse, took place simultaneously with the annual WAIC in Shanghai.


While over 230 people joined the conference in person in Hong Kong, there were 1.2 million views via livestreaming. Moreover, about 30 featured research and development organisations participated in an interactive exhibition.


In his video speech, Chief Executive John Lee said the National 14th Five-Year Plan sets out the target to develop the country into an innovative nation with strong science and technology. The plan also supports Hong Kong to develop into an international innovation and technology (I&T) centre and presents historic opportunities for the city.


The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will leverage the city’s strengths of having the motherland’s support and the connectivity with the world in order to create impetus for growth for Hong Kong and the country and address people’s concerns and difficulties in daily life, he added.


Speaking on behalf of Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Lillian Cheong said the Hong Kong SAR Government will set clear targets for the city’s I&T development over the next five to 10 years, enhance the I&T ecosystem and enrich the talent pool.


Meanwhile, Commissioner for Innovation & Technology Rebecca Pun noted that Shanghai and Hong Kong have established a platform for co‑operation between the technological departments of both governments and also technological institutions in both cities.


At the WAIC 2022 - Hong Kong Branch, speakers delivered keynote addresses on macro development of the AI industry, advances in AI chip design and nurturing AI talent.


In addition, the 14 research laboratories from InnoHK, the flagship I&T initiative of the Hong Kong SAR Government and a number of AI tech ventures participated in an interactive exhibition showcasing their latest innovations and solutions to real-world problems in business and society.

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