Tell the world a good HK story: CE

August 21, 2022

Chief Executive John Lee

I am most delighted to celebrate, with you, the achievements of our talented young people who excel at public speaking.


This year’s competition has attracted more than 1,000 students - the highest number since Hong Kong first took part in this national contest in 2017.


The competition’s prestigious judging panel has selected 12 Hong Kong finalists. Later in the year, they will participate in the national grand final - competing against 800 inspiring speakers from more than 100 regions across our great country.


That is a big reason why this competition is so special. Along with encouraging our students, at every age, to hone their skills in English proficiency and public speaking, it also enables a welcome exchange between the youth of Hong Kong and the Mainland. Such creative exchanges can only help our youth gain a deeper appreciation of our country, its people and culture, and its remarkable progress.


President Xi Jinping, speaking in Hong Kong on July 1, highlighted the importance of our young people. Hong Kong, he said, “will prosper only when its young people thrive; Hong Kong will develop only when its young people achieve well-rounded development; and Hong Kong will have a bright future only when its young people have good prospects”.  


Young people are the future of society. My team and I are working hard to formulate a comprehensive youth policy and development blueprint in order to broaden the scope for our young people’s upward mobility and encourage them to realise their dreams. I invite you all to tell us your views on how we could build a better future of Hong Kong together during our public consultation for the first Policy Address that I will deliver in October.


I have no doubt that the youth being honoured today, the deserving Hong Kong region winners and finalists, could give us good ideas on how to start a new chapter for Hong Kong together, and that you all have a very bright future, to use the words of the President, ahead of you. For that, and for this special day, I am grateful to the organisers, China Daily Hong Kong and VDO English.


And for the gifted young students who will represent Hong Kong in the national grand final, I wish you only the best words. To you and to all our proficient speakers, I have just one demand: whenever you can, do tell a good Hong Kong story, and a good story of “one country, two systems”, to the world. It is paramount for the global community to know our achievements and unique advantages for us to continue to shine as the Pearl of the Orient. And who would better do this than all of you, with your youth, eloquence and passion for the country and Hong Kong?


Chief Executive John Lee gave these remarks at the 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition Hong Kong Region Awards Ceremony 2022 on August 21.

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