Tram fares rise Jul 11

June 7, 2022

The Chief Executive-in-Council today gave consent to Hong Kong Tramways (HKT) to alter its fares starting July 11, when passengers aged 12 or above will have to pay $3 for a tram ride, $0.4 more than the current $2.6.


Child fares will increase from $1.3 to $1.5, while for people aged 65 or above tickets will go up from $1.2 to $1.3.


A monthly ticket will cost $260 instead of the current $220, while the tourist ticket will be cancelled.


The Government said it has taken into account various factors, such as the service quality and quantity, HKT’s planned improvement projects, changes in operating costs and revenue since its last fare adjustment, and the likely public acceptability.


It said HKT has been providing emission-free and affordable services over the years and has always been received by the local community and visitors.


While preserving its historical value, HKT has implemented various improvement projects as well as introduced innovative measures to provide a safer and more comfortable experience for passengers.


Having considered all relevant factors in accordance with the established policy and mechanism, the Government considered the fare increase necessary for maintaining HKT’s stable operation and the proposed increase level as acceptable.


The revised fare rates will take effect on July 11, one month after publication in the gazette.

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