Business fund to be enhanced
The Trade & Industry Department will roll out an enhancement to the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading & Domestic Sales (BUD Fund) on February 14 to further support enterprises in developing more diversified markets.
The geographical scope of the BUD Fund will be extended from 22 economies to 35.
The additional 13 economies include Austria, Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK.
They have signed Investment Promotion & Protection Agreements (IPPAs) with Hong Kong.
The fund's geographical scope has been extended in phases since July 2021 to cover all economies with which Hong Kong has signed Free Trade Agreements or IPPAs.
The final phase, with the geographical scope to be further extended to Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, will be implemented in the next quarter.
Call the fund's secretariat at 2788 6088 for enquiries.