Social distancing measures tightened

January 5, 2022

The Government today announced it will tighten social distancing measures from January 7 for a period of 14 days, including the cessation of mass events and dine-in services at catering businesses from 6pm to 4.59am.


The previous day, the Government explained that the COVID-19 epidemic situation in Hong Kong has evolved drastically. The virus has spread into the local community due to several imported cases concerning exempted air crew members, and silent transmission chains may already exist in the community.


Noting that the city faces substantial risk of a major outbreak, the Government said it must adopt stringent measures in the coming two weeks with a view to containing the epidemic as early as possible.


Social distancing measures will be tightened to the most stringent level as seen during the third and fourth waves of the epidemic, with a view to reducing public traffic, social functions and crowd gatherings to the greatest extent.


The prohibition on group gatherings of more than four people in public places will continue during the period.

Regarding catering business, during daytime services, the maximum number of customers per table for catering premises under Types B, C and D modes of operation will be reduced to two, four and six, whereas the maximum number of customers per premises and per banquet will remain unchanged.


Except for clubhouses and hotels or guesthouses, all scheduled premises regulated under Hong Kong Laws Cap 599F such as amusement game centres, bathhouses, fitness centres, places of amusement and party rooms must suspend operation. Bars or pubs will be closed.


Most of the leisure and cultural venues or facilities under the Leisure & Cultural Services Department will also be temporarily closed.


All local tours will be suspended.


The social distancing measures will take effect from January 7 to 20. The Government said it will review the measures after around seven days on whether they have effectively reduced gathering activities of the general public and thereby containing the epidemic.

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