Contactless e-Channel to expand

December 23, 2021

The Contactless e-Channel service for Hong Kong residents will be extended to the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal control point tomorrow, the Immigration Department announced today.


The move aims to provide faster, more convenient travel and an extra hygienic immigration clearance service for residents.


At present, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Shenzhen Bay control points are already providing the service which will now be extended in phases to other control points.


Eligible Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above can enrol for the service via the department's Contactless e-Channel mobile application, directly at the Contactless e-Channel or in person at any of the e-Channel enrolment offices.


The department pointed out that eligible Hong Kong residents aged 11 to 17 must enrol with the consent of their parent or legal guardian.


Moreover, residents can continue to use the e-Channel service employing fingerprint verification technology or traditional counters for immigration clearance.


For enquiries, call 2824 6111, fax to 2877 7711 or send an email.

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