Actions needed on wild pig nuisance

November 26, 2021

The surging trend in injury cases caused by wild pigs clearly shows that such animals pose a serious threat to public safety and the Government deems it necessary to take decisive actions to tackle the nuisance.


The Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department made the statement in response to media inquiries about injury cases caused by wild pigs.


It noted that 42 such cases were recorded since 2011 and of that amount, 36 occurred between 2018 and today.


Seventeen cases were recorded so far this year with six alone this month, the department added.


Fifty-three casualties were involved in the 42 injury cases, including eight seniors and two children. Among them, six were in serious condition and underwent operations.


The pigs concerned are dangerous wild animals, especially those which are accustomed to scavenging and being fed in urban areas or huge in size. They may bite or knock down people while being fed by citizens, the department stressed.


Wild pigs may also transmit zoonotic diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis E, influenza A and Streptococcus suis infection.


The department emphasised that it will continue regular wild pig capture operations and accord priority to sites with large numbers of wild pigs and areas with a history of past injury cases or where the animals may pose a risk to the public.


Furthermore, upon receiving reports about wild pig sightings in urban areas, the department said it will capture the wild pigs which pose potential danger or cause nuisance for humane dispatch.

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