Govt reacts to misleading news report
The Security Bureau today expressed deep regret over online media Citizens News' report about Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung's remarks on the legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, saying that the report had misled the public.
The bureau noted that Citizens News misled its readers about the remarks made by Mr Tang at the press conference on the Policy Address.
It clarified that the security chief, when responding to whether the legislation would undermine the freedom of speech, clearly explained that criminal liability should consist of elements of guilty act and mind and there should be sufficient evidence.
He said the Department of Justice would decide whether to prosecute after due consideration of the evidence sufficiency, adding that the prosecution is never a hasty decision and people would not be found guilty for simply saying certain things.
The bureau pointed out that relevant reports by multiple media were in line with Mr Tang's remarks, while Citizen News' report saying he refused to guarantee that the freedom of speech will not be undermined with the legislation was misleading.