Quarantine rules adjusted

August 5, 2021

The Government today adjusted and clarified the quarantine and testing arrangements for people arriving in Hong Kong from places in the Mainland other than Guangdong Province, Macau and Taiwan. 


Those who have not been fully vaccinated and have stayed in places in the Mainland other than Guangdong Province or Macau on the day of arrival and during the 14 days before that day are subject to compulsory quarantine for 14 days at home. 


They must also undergo compulsory testing on the third, seventh and 12th days of arrival during quarantine, as well as on the 16th and 19th days of arrival after completing quarantine. 


Those who have not been fully vaccinated and have stayed in Taiwan on the arrival day and during the 14 days before that day must undergo a nucleic acid test within 72 hours prior to boarding a flight for Hong Kong. 


They are also subject to 21 days of compulsory quarantine in designated quarantine hotels and must be tested four times during quarantine. 


The compulsory quarantine period for fully vaccinated people arriving from the Mainland, Macau and Taiwan can be shortened in accordance with the prevailing arrangements.


The existing quarantine arrangements continue to be applicable to Hong Kong residents arriving from Guangdong Province under the Return2hk travel scheme, as well as arrivals who have only stayed in Guangdong Province during the relevant period.


Additionally, from August 9, all those who have stayed in places in the Mainland other than Guangdong Province or Macau will be required to present prior to boarding a flight for Hong Kong proof of a negative nucleic acid test result for COVID-19.


The test must be conducted on the day or within three days prior to the scheduled departure time. Relevant people will also be tested multiple times during quarantine. 


The newly enhanced compulsory testing requirements are applicable to all people arriving in Hong Kong on or after August 4, including those returning under the Return2hk scheme. 


Click here for the quarantine and testing arrangements for people who have been fully vaccinated and arriving in Hong Kong from places in the Mainland other than Guangdong Province, Macau and Taiwan.

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