Health chief promotes vaccination

Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan (front row, centre) meets representatives of local ethnic minorities groups to listen to their views and discuss how to promote COVID-19 vaccination.
Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan chaired a round-table discussion today to exchange views with local ethnic minorities (EM) groups and plan on promoting COVID-19 vaccination among the EM community in Hong Kong.
Around 20 local EM leaders and representatives, non-governmental organisations serving the EM community and healthcare professionals attended the discussion.
Prof Chan invited local EM leaders and representatives to provide their views and insights on promoting COVID-19 vaccination to the EM community.
She also appealed for their support to spread the messages to their friends and families and urge them to get vaccinated as early as possible.
The health chief said: "Hong Kong is fortunate to have secured sufficient supplies of COVID-19 vaccines. There is also a choice of vaccines offered.
"Tens of millions of the jabs have been administered worldwide, and both vaccines are proven to be safe, efficacious and of good quality."
She added that the Department of Health has been working closely with its partners to provide regular updates on the latest epidemic situation and solicit their support and collaboration in promoting COVID-19 vaccination.
The department also accords great importance to the dissemination of important information to the EM community.
Health education materials are continuously translated into nine EM languages and made available online, while selected materials are also translated into French, Spanish, Punjabi and Tamil.