Group gathering limit to be eased

June 21, 2021

(To watch the full press conference with sign language interpretation, click here.)


The Government today announced the relaxation of social distancing measures, including increasing the number of participants allowed in group gatherings such as wedding ceremonies and religious activities based on the vaccine bubble concept.


Chief Executive Carrie Lam made the statement at a press conference this afternoon as Hong Kong registered no local COVID-19 cases for 14 consecutive days.


The number of participants allowed at wedding ceremonies, shareholders' annual meetings of listed companies and religious activities will be increased to half of the relevant venues’ capacity starting from June 24.


Such gatherings and meetings will be allowed to proceed at the venues’ full capacity, as long as two-thirds of the participants have received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.


The prohibition on group gatherings of more than four people in public places will remain as stipulated in the Prevention & Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap 599G).


Mrs Lam explained that the risk of infection is the overriding consideration in keeping certain social distancing measures in place.


“Hong Kong is a very free society and the freedom of expression, the freedom of protests is being honoured under the Basic Law. But we are dealing with a public health pandemic that is still hitting the world.


“In dealing with public health, of course, the first factor we need to consider is the infection risks. What are the inherent infection risks of a particular type of gathering?”


The Chief Executive said the other consideration in maintaining the prohibition on group gatherings of more than four people in public places is risk management.


“The second factor that we have to take into account is the ability to manage the risks. We ask people to wear a mask, to take their temperature, now check whether you have a vaccination record, and so on.


“You need somebody who has the capability to assure us that, yes, that venue, or that event organiser is capable of fulfilling that requirement. So basically, what we are now proposing is a venue-based relaxation.”

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