More green jobs to be offered

June 2, 2021

The Environment Bureau today announced that another 800 jobs will be created or subsidised under the Green Employment Scheme, including 500 time-limited jobs and 300 subsidised jobs under the Government's subsidy programme for graduates.


The Government announced in the Budget this year it would further earmark $6.6 billion to create an additional 30,000 time-limited jobs.


The new 500 jobs cover three categories of environmental protection work, namely Electric Vehicles Popularisation, Use Less, Waste Less and Leave No Trace at Mountain & Sea.


The full-time and part-time positions will last for about three months to a year and are suitable for candidates with different skills and qualifications.


Furthermore, the bureau has launched a subsidy programme for graduates under the scheme, which aims to subsidise private companies and suitable organisations to employ fresh graduates working in areas related to environmental protection.


It has decided to launch the Graduates Subsidy Programme 2021 this year to continue providing employers of eligible graduates with a monthly subsidy of $5,610 to form part of the monthly salary paid to each eligible graduate for 18 months.


The programme is expected to benefit about 300 jobs.


The Graduates Subsidy Programme 2021 will open for applications from July 2.


Eligible companies and organisations wishing to apply for the subsidy should submit their applications by September 30.


Call 2835 1870 or send an email for more information.


Click here for details of the Graduates Subsidy Programme.

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