Quarantine rules adjusted

May 14, 2021

The Government today announced that from May 16, people who have stayed in Taiwan on the day of arriving in Hong Kong or during the 14 days before their arrival have to undergo compulsory quarantine in designated quarantine hotels.


These people also need to present at boarding the confirmation of a room reservation in a designated quarantine hotel in Hong Kong. Home quarantine will no longer be allowed.


They will still be subject to the test-and-hold arrangement at the airport in Hong Kong. Upon confirmation of negative test results, they will be required to board designated transport to proceed to the quarantine hotels for compulsory quarantine.


The Government made the announcement in view of the worsening local epidemic situation in Taiwan.


Currently, people arriving in Hong Kong who have stayed in places in the Mainland, Macau and Taiwan, whether via the airport or land boundary control points, are subject to a 14-day compulsory quarantine at home if they did not return under the Return2hk Scheme.


The compulsory home quarantine period for fully vaccinated people can be reduced to seven days, with a subsequent seven-day self-monitoring period and compulsory testing on the 12th day of their arrival.


People subject to the 14-day compulsory quarantine have to undergo three tests during quarantine, and undergo compulsory testing on the 16th and 19th day of their arrival.


Fully vaccinated people subject to the seven-day compulsory quarantine must undergo two tests during quarantine, self-monitor for the following seven days, and undergo compulsory testing on the 12th day of their arrival.


For those who stayed in Taiwan and have arrived in Hong Kong and are already under home quarantine, the Government will gazette a compulsory testing notice requiring them to undergo compulsory testing after the completion of home quarantine.


People arriving in Hong Kong between May 6 and May 15 and subject to the 14-day compulsory home quarantine have to undergo compulsory testing on the 16th and 19th day of their arrival, and fully vaccinated people arriving on or after May 12 and subject to the mandatory seven-day home quarantine have to undergo compulsory testing on the 12th day of their arrival.

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