CE meets police officers

January 31, 2021

Chief Executive Carrie Lam today visited Police to learn about its recent situation and met police officers who were injured earlier while handling the illegal violent incidents.


Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Director Luo Huining, its Deputy Director Yang Jianping and Police Liaison Department Director-General Chen Feng were also present.


Accompanied by Secretary for Security John Lee and Police Commissioner Tang Ping-keung, Mrs Lam visited the Police Headquarters in Wan Chai and Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.


They met more than 100 police officers to know more about their work.


Noting that police officers have done a large amount of work over the past year, ranging from curbing violence to fighting the epidemic, the Chief Executive said their work deserves full recognition.


In particular, following the implementation of the National Security Law on June 30 last year, the force has shouldered the vital and honourable responsibility of safeguarding national security, she added.


On the unreasonable sanctions by the US administration against a number of police officers who are charged with the duty to safeguard national security, Mrs Lam conveyed to them the warm regards from President Xi Jinping expressed during her reporting of work last week.


Police have taken an active part in the prevention and control of the epidemic, including assisting the Department of Health’s Centre for Health Protection in tracing close contacts with the Major Incident Investigation & Disaster Support System.


Mrs Lam visited the relevant office and learnt that the system has helped with the investigation of 65 cases or clusters and identified more than 28,000 contacts to date.


The force also deployed a large number of officers from different police districts to support the compulsory testing operations at specified restricted areas in various districts in recent days.


The Chief Executive also met police officers who were injured when handling earlier illegal and violent incidents and praised them for their bravery in the face of violence.


Mrs Lam said the reputation of Police was seriously tarnished during the social unrest, but she was pleased to note that the force has been enhancing the public’s understanding of its work to restore people's confidence through various means in recent months.


With the restoration of stability in society and the commitment of police officers on the frontline to protect public safety and health, the force will have the support of the general public, she added.


She also thanked the Liaison Office for its long-standing support for the work of Police.

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