More countries added to high-risk list

November 19, 2020

The Government today announced that it will gazette the new specifications to impose conditions on travellers who visited Ecuador and Germany within 14 days before arriving in Hong Kong to combat the epidemic more effectively.


The Food & Health Bureau said the global COVID-19 epidemic situation is becoming increasingly severe, with the daily number of new cases rising from around 70,000 to 100,000 between late March and mid-May, and further increasing to a new height of around 660,000 in mid-November.


In view of the severe global pandemic situation, Hong Kong cannot afford to drop its guard on entry prevention and control measures, the bureau added.


The Government had earlier introduced the Prevention & Control of Disease (Regulation of Cross-boundary Conveyances & Travellers) Regulation (Cap 599H) to impose testing and quarantine conditions on travellers coming to Hong Kong from very high-risk places to reduce the health risk they may bring to the city.


The Secretary for Food & Health previously published in the gazette specifications on the relevant measures applicable to Bangladesh, Belgium, Ethiopia, France, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, the UK and US.


New specifications will be gazetted to maintain the conditions imposed and include Ecuador and Germany as specified places with effect from November 28.


Travellers who have stayed in the specified places 14 days before arriving in Hong Kong must provide documents showing they tested negative for COVID-19 and their reservation for a hotel in Hong Kong foe not less than 14 days.

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