More support for ethnic minorities set

November 1, 2020

The Labour Department today launched the Racial Diversity Employment Programme to further strengthen employment support for ethnic minority (EM) job seekers.


The programme provides, on a pilot basis, one-stop employment support services for EM job seekers in a case management approach through non-governmental organisations (NGOs).


The NGO service providers will assign registered social workers to act as EM participants’ case managers to provide them with customised employment services such as career guidance, job matching, interview preparation and case review.


After successful placement of EM job seekers, the case managers will continue to provide follow-up services that include helping employees to adapt to their new working environment.


To find more job vacancies suitable for EM job seekers, the service providers will also liaise with employers in different industries to promote their employability and provide information on EM cultures and skills in communicating with them.


Interested EM job seekers may enrol for the programme online, through the service providers, or the department’s job centres and industry-based recruitment centres.


Services under the programme are provided free of charge.


Call the programme hotline at 2150 6359 for more details.

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