Helper contract measures extended

September 30, 2020

Given the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government today announced that the previous measures to assist foreign domestic helpers (FDH) and their employers will be extended with immediate effect.


The Commissioner for Labour has given further in-principle consent for all FDH contracts that will expire on or before December 31 to be extended to January 31, 2021, on the basis that this is mutually agreed upon by both the employer and the helper.


If the contract with the current helper has already been extended under the flexibility arrangement announced in February, March or June, employers may still apply to further extend the period of employment and the limit of stay up to January 31, 2021.


For helpers who are unable to return to their place of origin due to the pandemic there or international travel restrictions after expiration or termination of their contracts, they may apply for an extension of limit of stay for a maximum period of one month as visitors for the purpose of finding a new employer in Hong Kong.


Those who have already extended their limit of stay in Hong Kong under the flexibility arrangement announced in March or June may submit an application to the Immigration Department to further extend their limit of stay.


The department will exercise discretion to grant an extension of limit of stay for a maximum period of one month depending on individual case merits.


Helpers who are still unable to return to their place of origin for home leave within their current limit of stay may continue to apply for an extension of limit of stay.


For those who have already been granted further extension of stay and wish to further defer their home leave, the department will consider exercising discretion to grant them a further extension of limit of stay for not more than three months.


For helpers applying for further extension of limit of stay and whose existing contracts will expire at the same time, they may submit the applications for deferral of home leave and contract renewal with the same employer to the department in one go.


The department will, as a further facilitation measure, consider advancing the processing of the application for contract renewal.


It has also been expediting the processing of employment visa applications submitted by helpers who are in Hong Kong, especially applications for change of employer from those whose employment contracts have expired normally.


Call 2824 6111 or email the department for enquiries.

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