Business restrictions gazetted
The Government has gazetted the Prevention & Control of Disease (Requirement & Directions) (Business & Premises) (Amendment) Regulation.
The amendment regulation empowers the Secretary for Food & Health to issue directions, for public health reasons, to restrict the mode of operation, operating hours or require the closure of beauty parlours, clubhouses, nightclubs as well as premises for karaoke, mahjong tin-kau and massage.
The Secretary for Food & Health issued directions today to be effective for 14 days from 6pm.
The directions include the closures of karaoke, mahjong-tin kau and nightclub establishments as well as the suspension of karaoke and mahjong-tin kau activities in catering premises and clubhouses.
People must wear masks in beauty parlours, clubhouses and massage establishments. These premises must also conduct body temperature screening and provide hand sanitisers before anyone enters.
The amendment regulation was made in accordance with the Prevention & Control of Disease Ordinance.
The maximum penalty for offenders is imprisonment for six months and a $50,000 fine.