400 more isolation beds ready: HA

March 29, 2020

(To watch the full media briefing with sign language interpretation, click here.)


The Hospital Authority today said 400 isolation beds will be available in the coming week to help accommodate the increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the city.


Hospital Authority Chief Manager (Patient Safety & Risk Management) Dr Sara Ho made the statement during a press briefing where 59 new cases were reported.


“The Hospital Authority retrofitted some general wards in seven clusters to have negative pressure facilities. So, 400 beds will be in operation next week and we are exploring additional beds, to be retrofitted, so as to have negative pressure facilities to accommodate more patients in view of the increasing pressure (due to) the increasing number of confirmed cases.”


Dr Ho explained that the authority is also working with the Government on plans aimed at expanding its ability to care for every person infected with the virus.


“We are also exploring with the Government various measures on how to increase Hong Kong’s capacity to take care of all the confirmed patients.


“At the moment, we are still thinking of using existing Hospital Authority hospital beds for retrofit to accommodate more confirmed cases.”

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