EDB responds to Ombudsman report

January 14, 2020

The Education Bureau today said it would consider how to follow up on the Ombudsman’s recommendations on its mechanism for approving applications for school fee revision from Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) and private schools.


In its investigation report, the Ombudsman said that there are concerns that the mechanism is not rigorous enough and that applications for school fee revision are often approved.


The Ombudsman recommended that the bureau should establish a more comprehensive application and approval mechanism regarding charges collected by private schools and to create a database on other charges collected by such schools.


Responding to the report, the bureau noted that the Ombudsman considers that it has followed the established mechanism for granting approval and that there is no irregularity in its practice.


The bureau said that it takes into account the schools’ justifications for the proposed rate of fee revision, their financial position, whether there has been sufficient communication with parents and whether the parents’ concerns have been addressed in assessing the applications.


It also takes into account the social and economic situations and the schools’ operating expenses.


Private schools, including international schools, operate on a self-financing and market-driven basis and have to bear all school expenditures, it said.


To meet their financial needs, some of these schools may take out loans or implement fundraising schemes, such as debentures, capital levies and nomination rights, the bureau said, adding that the modes of such fundraising schemes are becoming more diversified.


It will take into account the Ombudsman’s recommendations and review and improve the existing regulatory mechanism to formulate a more comprehensive mechanism for approving the collection of other charges by private schools and setting up a relevant database.


The bureau also said it is mindful of the legal requirements when devising the regulatory mechanism and that it would take into account the situation and needs of schools and be careful not to interfere excessively in their operation.

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