Further violence not tolerated
(To watch the video with sign language interpretation, click here.)
It would be inappropriate to tolerate further violence since the Government has put an end to the fugitive bill which was the cause of recent disruptions in Hong Kong.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam gave these remarks before attending an Executive Council meeting today.
Mrs Lam said the Government would not give up on building a platform for dialogue and noted that the administration has repeatedly replied to different people's demands in the last two months.
“The most important demand that we have accepted within days after the outbreak of this incident, is to put an end to the (fugitive) bill.
“Because if the bill was the cause of all these disruptions, that has been stopped over two months ago.”
Mrs Lam asserted there is no point in resorting to continued violence, protests and harassment given that the bill has been shelved.
“If we continue to tolerate, accommodate and accept demands because of those protests, that would be a very inappropriate, unacceptable response from the Government.”
The Chief Executive also stressed that the families of police officers should not be persecuted.
“I just could not see the association between the protests and the demands, with the harassment of police families, repeatedly going to the police quarters to do all sorts of threats and intimidation of police families, especially the young children.
“These young kids have to go back to school very soon and I hope every one of us, in particular the education sector, will play their role to protect all these kids.“