Minimum wage to rise
The Chief Executive in Council today adopted the Minimum Wage Commission’s recommendation to raise the statutory minimum wage from $34.5 per hour to $37.5.
Subject to the approval of the Legislative Council, an amendment notice will be gazetted on January 18 and the revised minimum wage will come into force on May 1.
Secretary for Labour & Welfare Dr Law Chi-kwong said the commission has fulfilled its duty in reviewing the minimum wage with thorough and balanced deliberation.
“Since the statutory minimum wage came into effect on May 1, 2011, the earnings of low-income employees have continued to improve and the employment market has remained largely stable,” Dr Law said.
Another amendment notice will also be gazetted on January 18 to amend the monthly monetary cap on recording the total number of hours worked.
An employer will be exempted from the requirement to record the total number of hours worked by an employee who is paid at least $15,300 per month for a wage period. The current monetary cap is $14,100.
The notice will be tabled in LegCo on January 23, and the revised monetary cap will also take effect on May 1.