Gov't orders group banned

September 24, 2018

An order banning the Hong Kong National Party's operation was gazetted today.


Speaking to the media today, Secretary for Security John Lee said he exercised the power that is given to the Secretary for Security under the Societies Ordinance to issue an order to prohibit the National Party’s operation or continued operation.

He noted the group has a very clear agenda to achieve its goal of Hong Kong being made an independent republic and had taken action to implement its plan.


“What the agenda of the Hong Kong National Party aims to is in strict contravention to the Basic Law and also is against national security.


“In its course of achieving its aims, the Hong Kong National Party also spreads hatred and discrimination against Mainlanders in Hong Kong. It has also made it very clear that it will make use of all means to achieve its goal and this includes the option of using force.”


Mr Lee added the order was made in the interest of national security, public safety, public order and the protection of rights and freedom of others.

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