Air accident investigator appointed

September 10, 2018

The Government today announced Mr Darren Straker's appointment as Chief Inspector of Accidents to head the new Air Accident Investigation Authority.


His appointment marks the formal establishment of the authority which is under the Transport & Housing Bureau and independent from the Civil Aviation Department.


Mr Straker was recruited under an open recruitment exercise and will take over the air accident investigation duties and statutory powers under the Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulation from the incumbent Chief Inspector, who is the Director-General of Civil Aviation.


Secretary for Transport & Housing Frank Chan noted Mr Straker is a seasoned aviation professional with extensive international air accident investigation and safety management experience.


“I have confidence that he will be able to lead the new authority to rise up to the challenges ahead and bring our aviation safety management to new horizons," he said.


The authority was established to comply with the latest Standards & Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization, which requires an investigative authority to be independent from the state aviation authorities and other entities that could interfere with the conduct or objectivity of an investigation.


It will take over the air accident investigation function from the Civil Aviation Department.

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