CE meets Singapore PM
(August 03, 2017)

Chief Executive Carrie Lam met Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the second day of her duty visit to the city-state today.
She told him Hong Kong will leverage its advantages under "one country, two systems" to promote economic development.
She said she hopes Hong Kong's ties with ASEAN countries, including Singapore, are strengthened to reap the benefits of the Belt & Road Initiative.
Mrs Lam also called on Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and briefed him on her vision for Hong Kong's future development.
Earlier in the day she visited the Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority to inspect its planning concepts for a second central business district.
She then visited the Civil Service College and told the media she plans to form a similar academy in Hong Kong to strengthen training for civil servants.
She later attended a lunch hosted by Deputy Prime Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean, at which Mrs Lam expressed gratitude for Singapore's support for the Free Trade Agreement between Hong Kong and ASEAN.
She then toured the GovTech Hive which is a dedicated centre for a group of designers, engineers and data scientists to work with other government agencies and industry players to create better digital services and apps for Singaporeans.
Mrs Lam will start her Bangkok visit tomorrow.

Developing ties:
Chief Executive Carrie Lam meets Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong in Singapore.