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Admin & Civic Affairs

More effort to garner reform support

(April 30, 2015)

Most people want the Government's political reform package implemented, so the Government will do all it can to persuade legislators to endorse it.
This was the message from Chief Secretary Carrie Lam today, saying that during her district visits most people said they would like to elect the Chief Executive by “one man, one vote”.
She said the Government has the responsibility to explain the reform proposal, adding she hopes public opinion can sway legislators’ decision.
She said now is the most critical time in implementing the reform, noting that if universal suffrage cannot be realised in 2017 there will be no basis to make further refinement.
She said she cannot make a promise on when the next Chief Executive Election review can be started, as it requires the then Chief Executive to make a decision based on the actual situation at that time.
She said she has been attending television and radio programmes to explain the reform proposal since it was unveiled last week, noting that a debate will not be helpful in making things clearer.