Central harbourfront site granted

November 3, 2021

The tender for a plot along the harbourfront in Central has been awarded on a 50-year land grant at a premium of $50.8 billion, the Development Bureau announced today.


Following a two-envelope open tender, Inland Lot 9088 at Site 3 of the New Central Harbourfront was awarded to Pacific Gate Development, a subsidiary of Henderson Land.


Among the six tenders received by the Government, four did not conform with the requirement that a tender has to attain the passing mark for both the premium and non-premium proposals.


Of the two conforming tenderers, Pacific Gate Development attained the highest marks for its premium and non-premium proposals, hence it was awarded the tender.


The bureau said the successful tenderer’s proposal is based on the idea of a bridge and aims to curate an iconic landmark in Hong Kong, enhance the connectivity between the hinterland and harbourfront in Central, and create a vast amount of green and public spaces.


The development is expected to achieve good integration with the surrounding environment and vitalise the harbourfront area, the bureau added.


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